EOI ACS Canberra Early Career Group
7 July 2021
- Are you looking for opportunities to volunteer and enhance your leadership skills? Would you like to increase your network?
- ACS Canberra is establishing an Early Career Group (ECG) to engage with and deliver value to our early career community

Being an early career professional is exciting yet quite daunting. With questions such around starting out and planning careers, standing out from the crowd and ensuring that your transition into work or a new career is successful, ACS Canberra wants to be here as your life long partner and help you navigate these early challenges.
For this reason, we are establishing an Early Career Group (ECG) and are calling for expressions of interest from members keen to participate.
Early career has no age limit. You may be at the early stage of your career at any point in your life. You might be completing an IT qualification or a recent graduate. Similarly, you could be coming into the IT profession from a non-traditional pathway. What we are looking for is a mix of people who are either students or have been in the IT profession for up to about seven years.
The ECG will build an early career IT community within the Branch by providing insight to the needs of this member group, be ACS ambassadors and support the delivery of early career focused events and projects.
These could include student presentations, quiz nights, great intergenerational debates, pitch clubs, lunch and learn career conversations and other fun activities that bring the broader community together.
Group members can expect to be active participants at both planning and execution stages of the Group's annual plan. In return, members will broaden their networks and develop leadership and project management skills.
What can you achieve both personally, professionally and for the profession through your involvement in the ECG?
For further information, please refer to the Terms of Reference. The time commitment would be approximately 2-3 hours per month, depending on activities being undertaken.
If you are interested in being considered for the ACS Canberra Early Career Group, please complete the Expression of Interest.
Oh, and don't forget about the ACS Canberra Mentoring Program. If you are not a member of ACS and would like to find out more about how to become a member of ACS, go to www.acs.org.au.