Award Nomination for Alex Rumsey
- It is our utmost pleasure to announce that Alex Rumsey, ACS Canberra’s Trainee Events Assistant, has been nominated for the 2023 ACT Training Awards by his training provider, Australian Training Company
- Congratulations to Alex for his nomination and wish him the best of luck as he progresses through the selection process.

Alex started with ACS Canberra on 30 June 2022 and has been completing a Certificate III in Business. While he was initially employed to assist Jenalle while she worked on the Supporting women transitioning to an ICT career project (funded by the ACT and Australian Governments through the Future Skills for Future Jobs program), Alex has collaborated across the organisation acting as a surge resource for the Member Services Team and assisting with the Supporting Student Membership program.
We have seen Alex grow in confidence during his time with the Canberra Branch team, having started with us straight from school. He is now playing a significant role in our member engagement activities, calling members each week, in addition to becoming quite experienced with Salesforce and MS Teams webinars.
The 2023 Training Awards presentation is on 14 September 2023 and winners of the these awards move through to the Australian Training Awards. We hope you join us in congratulating Alex for his nomination and wish him the best of luck as he progresses through the selection process.
About the ACS Canberra Hub
The Hub is a custom-built collaborative space for members to drop by and use as a hotspot for meetings and events. Meeting room hire is also available to members and non-members.
Click here to find out more about the room hire rate or click here to book a room for your next meeting/event.