Canberra Branch news & activities - May update
It's been another busy month for the Canberra Team.
- We delivered ten (5+) in-person & virtual events, connected with over 500 members and re-connected with many Australian Government senior executives/decision-makers
- ACS representatives (Staff and BEC members) participated in two (2+) external events (CIT and UC) aimed at supporting university students transitioning to ICT Professional path
- We made over 150 touch point with members & APS employees via phone calls or emails outside the scheduled events

Something to highlight:
6 Jun: Big Day in @ANU in Canberra
Yesterday, the ACS Canberra team attended the Big Day In event at the ANU.
The Big Day In event served as a part of the broader pipeline program, which aims to support students as they progress through their education as early on in their primary years . By participating in this program, students have the opportunity to expand their career options and gain a deeper understanding of the diverse range of opportunities available in the job market.
During the event, students had the chance to interact with professionals from different technological fields. These experts shared their knowledge and experiences, offering valuable guidance and advice to the students. Through engaging talks, workshops, and hands-on activities, the students were exposed to the latest trends and advancements in technology.
Learn more about the Big Day In, click here: https://www.thebigdayin.com.au/events
#ACSevents #BiGDayIn
31 May: Networking skills building for ACS Supporting Women transitioning to an ICT Career
As part of the ACS Supporting Women transitioning to an ICT Career program is to guide our members on developing skills for their careers.
At this session, participants learnt how to network effectively at professional events and some tips and tricks on successfully overcoming the challenges of networking skill building and networking.
Thanks to our guest speaker Rochelle Thorne for the presentation and Michael Hawkins for providing the content. Our attendees very much appreciate your support.
Keep an eye open for the next update on ACS Supporting Women transitioning to an ICT Career program.
23 May: ACS Leadership Series - Zero Trust - an international perspective
Thanks to those leaders, Government Senior Executive who joined us for a hot breakfast on a cozy morning at the ACS (Australian Computer Society) Canberra Hub on 23 May.
At this event, we learnt about "Database attack surface reduction towards Zero Trust" from our US guest speaker, Dan Morgan, Oracle Consulting's Technical Director in Database Security. It was an enlightening session that shed light on the ever-evolving challenges we face in cybersecurity.
During the session, Brendan Dowling, First Assistant Secretary for Cyber Digital and Technology Policy and Deputy Cyber Coordinator at the Australian Department of Home Affairs, also shared his invaluable insights and initiatives regarding the framework and strategy for protecting our citizens in cybersecurity. Zero Trust holds even greater importance in the government sector due to the sensitivity and criticality of the information we safeguard. As cyber threats continue to evolve and grow in sophistication, it is crucial for government organisations to stay ahead of the curve.
The insights shared by Dan Morgan and Brendan Dowling are invaluable in guiding our efforts to strengthen our cybersecurity posture and protect our citizens' interests.
We want to express our sincere gratitude to Dan Morgan, Brendan Dowling, Rob Slattery, Peter O'Halloran JP, Praveen Nichani, and all the attendees who joined us for this engaging discussion. Together, we can foster a culture of proactive cybersecurity and ensure a safer digital future for our nation.
A huge shout out and thanks to our event sponsor, Oracle Consulting, for their support and hosting this important conversation about Zero Trust for public sector security leaders in Canberra.
#ACSCanberra #ACSLeadership #zerotrust #attacksurface #cybersecurity #oracleconsulting #APS
22 May: ACS SFIA On-Day Workshop for APS employees
Over 60 APS employees attended the Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) shop and completed their self-skills assessments as part of the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC), Digital Profession, Emerging Talent Programs.
10 May: ACS Canberra Mentoring Program: Mid-networking event
People with mentors perform better, advance in their careers faster, and even experience more work-life satisfaction.
The purpose of the Australian Computer Society (ACS) Canberra Mentoring Program is to provide an opportunity for members to help members; to connect individuals with knowledge and experience in their field with those seeking advice and guidance to develop their careers.
This mentoring program networking event aims to allow mentors and mentees to meet with other mentors and mentees in person to share their mentorship experience and increase their network.
It was great to see many mentors & mentees came and share their mentoring experience, tips, and tricks (inside or outside your workplace) to help each other to improve the mentoring experience. A
A huge thanks to our Fellow Peter Lambert who provide his support and leading this program.
Watch out his space for the next round of mentoring program open for accepting applications.
Interesting reading and source: How to Build a Great Relationship with a Mentor by Mark Horoszowski | January 21, 2020
About the ACS Canberra Hub
The Hub is a custom-built collaborative space for members to drop by and use as a hotspot for meetings and events. Meeting room hire is also available to members and non-members.
Click here to find out more about the room hire rate or click here to book a room for your next meeting/event.